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About Hallowed

About Hallowed. More info will be added later.

Bands and labels who wants a review in Hallowed can send a presskit to danne@hallowed.se
Physical promos can be sent to:
Daniel Källmalm
Nygårdsvägen 1B
83499 Tandsbyn

We cannot promise that all albums sent to us will be reviewed but we try to review as many as we possibly can. Physical promos have the best chance to be reviewed right now. We do not review material we have to stream over the web, and we do not respond to mails asking us to request albums for review (it takes too much time and we get so many albums that we are not actively looking for more).
As we import the music files in chunks with plenty of albums we can't deal with files that lack inbedded information, as we cannot connect them to an album, so don't send wav-files as they never have that info and are therefore useless to us (despite the fact that they sound better than the compressed format where you can embed this info).

Other inquiries are sent to info@hallowed.se