Pornographic Sunset
Gold; Flesh; Dirt

Label: Independent
Three similar bands: Frank Zappa/Primus/Mr Bungle

Rating: HHHHHHH (4/7)
Reviewer: Daniel Källmalm
1. Self In Solution
2. Session With Dr. Michaelson
3. Diabolical
4. Dead People (USB exclusive track)

Daniel B. - Vocals
Dave M. - Guitar
Josh H. - Drums
Roger M. - Bass

The Bastard Shows His True Colours (EP 2019)



Released 2021-12-10
Reviewed 2022-06-05


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If a sunset would be pornographic, it would be a bit weird, the same goes to call a band such a thing – it is a tad weird. It is a British band (what else) that hides behind that moniker, and they are now releasing their second EP called Gold; Flesh; Dirt. It is a three-track release that can be four if you get the version on USB that contains an extra track, the USB you get on their shows for free. So maybe you should go to their show as the normal version you find is only about eleven minutes, you get seventeen minutes if you add the USB-exclusive track.

But before you take off to their shows you might want to know if their music is anything to have. Well, that probably depends on your tastes. It is experimental, psychedelic, a bit weird, unpredictable, not much of a radio friendly release. The singer is quite poor, but there are some narrated things as well, and they are quite good, they add depth. The variation is large, and you might see it as a bit incoherent due to big variation and short album. It is also well-produced and unpredictable, like a opposing polarity to most of the music world today – such a thing should be applauded no matter the quality of the music itself, as there are way too few bands that want to do something fresh these days.

I find this EP to be good, not outstanding but good enough to let spin for a while. I think it is better with the USB-exclusive track as it is very little content without it. There may be more interesting albums in the experimental and psychedelic world, but originality is always fun and this album gives a short while of entertainment, though I think it probably would have been better writing more songs and rather release an album when enough good material is amassed. This short format is less appealing.

It is always great when a band tries to do something of their own, something different. And they are successful for the most part making this EP worth checking out if you are into the psychedelic, experimental stuff, or if you just like the similar bands.